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Writer's pictureCrispy Knight

Various Interfaith and Nondenominational Vows

Here are a number of variations on non-denominational, interfaith, and civil vows.  These are a good start to build your ceremony around.

1. I promise, ________, before family and friends, to commit my love to you; to respect your individuality; to be with you through life’s changes; and to nurture and strengthen the love between us, as long as we both shall live.

2. I love you. And I look forward to being your friend and companion, your wife/husband and lover for life. I promise to love you and respect you; to stand by you and be faithful to you to be open and honest with you; and to always work toward our mutual growth. I promise this with the help of God, for the good times and the bad times, till death do us part.

3. I, ________, cherish you, _____________. For being all that you are, All that you are not, And all that you can be, Know that I am here for you, And that your pain will be mine, And your joy mine as well, All I ask is you —- your love—- your trust—– your caring, I choose you to be my wife/husband.

4. I take you to be my wife/husband, my friend, my love, and my lifelong companion: to share my life with yours. To build our dreams together, while allowing you to grow with your dreams; to support you through times of trouble, and rejoice with you in times of happiness; to treat you with respect, love, and loyalty through all the trials and triumphs of our lives together; and to give you all the love I can give my whole life long. This commitment is made in love, kept in faith, lived in hope, and eternally made new.

5. I, _______, choose you, ________, to be my wife/husband, my friend, my love, the mother/father of our children. I will be yours in plenty and in want, in sickness and in health, in failure and in triumph. I will cherish you and respect you, comfort you and encourage you, and together we shall live, freed and bound by our love.

6. __________, do you now choose _______ to be your wife/husband, to share your life openly with her/him, to speak truthfully and lovingly to her/him, to accept her/him fully as she/he is and delight in who she/he is becoming, to respect her/his uniqueness, encourage her/his fulfillment, and compassionately support her/him through all the changes of your years together?

7. _____, will you have this women/man to be your wife/husband, to live together in marriage? Will you love her/him and give her/him your respect? Will you comfort, honor, and keep her/him in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, to long as love and life shall endure?

8. I, ____, take you,____, as my husband/wife, to care for you and trust you, to cherish you and respect you, to forgive you and be forgiven by you. I will love you in good times and in bad, when we are together and when we are apart. I promise so be ever faithful, today and for all our tomorrows.

9. ______, will you take _____ to be your wife/husband? Do you commit yourself to her/his happiness and self-fulfillment as a person? Do you promise to love, honor, and trust her/him in sickness and in health, in adversity and prosperity, and to be true and loyal to her/him as long as you both shall live?

10. _______, I promise to be faithful, supportive, and loyal and to give you my companionship and love throughout all the changes of our life. I vow to bring you happiness, and I will treasure you as my companion. I will celebrate the joys of life with you. I promise to support your dreams, and walk beside you offering courage and strength through all endeavors. For this day forward, I will be proud to be your wife/husband and your best friend.

11. ___________, I promise to be faithful, supportive, and loyal and to give you my companionship and love throughout all the changes of our life. I vow to bring you happiness, and I will treasure, you as my companion. I will celebrate the joys of life with you. I promise to support your dreams, and walk beside you offering courage and strength through all endeavors. From this day forward, I will be proud to be your wife/husband and your best friend.

12. I choose you, ______, to be my wife/husband, as my friend and love. On this day I affirm the relationship we have enjoyed, looking to the future and to keep and strengthen it. I will be yours in plenty and in want, in sickness and in health, in failure and in triumph. Together, we will dream, and live as one while respecting one another, we will stumble but restore each other, we will share all things. I will cherish, comfort, and encourage you, be open with you, and stay with you as long as I shall live.

13. I, ____, take you, ______, for my wedding wife/husband from this day forward, to have and to hold as equal partner in my life, to whom I give my deepest love and devotion. I humbly open my heart to you as a sanctuary of warmth and peace, where you may come and find a refuge of love and strength. I will love you enough to risk being hurt, trust you when I don’t understand, weep with you in heartache, and celebrate life with you in joy. I will receive you as my equal throughout all of our days.

14. I, ___, take you,_____, to be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you, trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us.

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