Discount, it’s the one thing that everyone looks for at this time, but do you ask? There are a lot of people that offer discounts but they aren’t always advertised, you just have to ask for them. And we are no different.
Student Discount- We offer a student discount of 20% to all students. All you have to do is ask us for it and show us your student ID from your school.
Military Discount – We offer a Military discount of 20% to all Military personal. All you have to do is ask for it and show us your military ID or if you show up to your wedding in uniform we offer this discount without you even having to ask for it.
Wedding Upgrade – We have a lot of people that are getting married in small weddings and then planning a bigger one for a later date. If you have us do your small wedding we offer you $75.00 discount off of your big wedding when you have it, all you have to do is show us your Marriage License with our signature.
Free Consultation – We offer a free consultation; the minister is one of the most important parts of the wedding. You want someone that will fit with you and what you want. If we meet with you and you like us we can start planning your ceremony if you don’t like us, which I don’t think you would, but no harm you don’t have to go with us.
This is just what we do, there are a lot of discounts out there especially for students and our military, you may find you can save on a lot of your wedding needs, all you have to do is look for them. But be careful not all discounts are good discounts, be watchful and educated when the word wedding is included often the price is inflated from its true worth. Don’t be afraid to ask for a discount, sure they may say no, but they just might say YES!!!