“Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue, and a Sixpence in your Shoe”.
This rhyme originated during Victorian times and is still commonly practiced for good luck.
Something Old ~ The “old”signifies the hope that the couple’s friends will stay with them.
~ The “old” also symbolizes the bride’s connection to her past – a sense of family, continuity and tradition.
~This would traditionally have been the garter of a happily married woman, with the thought being that her good fortune would be passed down along with it.
Something New ~ Optimism and Hope for the future.
Something Borrowed ~ This is usually a much valued item from the bride’s family or a close friend.
~ It also reminds the bride that family and friends will always be there for her.
~ By borrowing something from a happily married friend or family member it is a wish for your married life to mirror their happiness (So Choose Carefully!).
Remember! – The borrowed item must be returned to ensure good fortune(not to mention to keep from burning any bridges.).
Something Blue ~ Blue represents faithfulness, fidelity and constancy. It is also considered a lucky color in Ireland.
~ In early Biblical times, blue not white symbolized purity. Both the bride and groom usually wore a band of blue material around the bottom of their wedding attire, hence the wedding tradition of “something blue”.
A Sixpence in Your Shoe ~ A sixpence is a symbol of good luck. (Can Be Substituted With A Dime)
~ A silver sixpence in the bride’s shoe is to ensure wealth in the couple’s life as well as the promise of a lifetime of joy, health, happiness, and wedded bliss for the newlyweds.
~ In 17th century England, the sixpence was part of the bride’s dowry gift to the groom.
Often you can find a sixpence at local coin shops, for our wedding we went to Tulsa Coin and Stamp on Sheridan and the owner had a box of them behind the counter, he gave my wife on with her birth year at no charge for the wedding.
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