Crispy KnightCeremonies/VowsTraditional wedding ceremony orderUnless you’ve been to a ton of weddings you probably have no idea of the ceremony order. The vows are the center of most wedding...
Crispy KnightSuperstitions/TraditionsUnity Candle (Multiple Traditions)This joining ritual is quite popular tradition at Catholic weddings, but its significance is universal: the joining of the couple as a...
Crispy KnightTop PostsWelcome!Wedding in Denver Colorado Welcome to the Tulsa Alternative Ceremonies We specialize in civil, non-denominational, interfaith, and theme...
Crispy KnightSuperstitions/TraditionsJumping the Broom (African-American Tradition)An African tribal ritual had couples placing sticks on the ground to symbolize their home together. This may be the origin of the broom...
Crispy KnightSuperstitions/TraditionsHandfasting TraditionsHandfasting (Afrocenric) In some African tribes, the bride and groom have their wrists tied together with cloth or braided grass. To...