Saba Grotto is an organization dedicated to having fun with a purpose. It is often called “The Master Masons Playground.” Saba Grotto meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month at the Akdar Shrine Temple 2808 S Sheridan Rd, Tulsa, OK 74129. Dinner is served 6:00 PM, business meeting starts at 7:00 PM, after which members and spouses are invited to join in social activities. It is truly a family friendly organization. All Master Masons in good standing are eligible to join this fun and philanthropic group.
The Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm, whose subordinate bodies are the Grottoes, is an organization by and for Master Masons. While in no way connected with Masonry proper, its membership is restricted absolutely and exclusively to Master Masons in good standing. Although it is primarily an organization for good wholesome fun and frolic, it also has its serious side. Its slogan is GOOD FELLOWSHIP, and in contact with our fellowman, this principle is exemplified to a marked degree.